Tory Christman


Rama Behera

For 25 years, Rama Behera has led his group from the small town of Shawano, Wisconsin. Members travel from neighboring states to take part in this group which goes by the official name of Followers of the Lord Jesus. Rama's group embraces parts of Christianity and Judaism while rejecting traditional western organized Christianity.

Former members tell shocking stories of abuse of children and adults. Gail Langsjoen was interviewed by the Mankato Free Press as well as by KSTP TV. The KSTP newscasts (Part One and Part Two) also feature Professor Stephen Kent and former Rama followers, Elina Lane and Gaeland Priebe.

Elina and Gaeland spoke at the Leo J. Ryan Education Foundation Conference in October of 2001 and sat down to share their experiences with us.


Elina Lane

Elina grew up in the Rama Behera cult and shares her stories of abuse and control at the hands of Rama.



Part One

Part Two


Gaeland Priebe

Gaeland talks about daily life in the Rama Behera cult and about the abuse members endure as Rama controls all facets of the members lives.



Part One

Part Two

Part Three



Background on Rama Behera

Gaeland Priebe gives a brief history of Rama Behera, from his childhood in India to the formation of his cult in Shawano, Wisconsin.



Letter from Gaeland Priebe

Gaelend reads a letter he sent out to people in which he gives his background in the cult and asks for support.

E-mail Gaeland


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